Refunds / Return Policy

Requests for refunds for products or services rendered will be evaluated on a case by case basis by company management and, if approved, be provided to customers via the same initial payment method.

Service Agreement


  • I authorize LUCY’S DOGGY DAY CARE AND SPA to allow my dog(s) to engage in social play with other dogs. In doing so, I understand my dog(s) may become injured by interacting with other dogs. I also understand that LUCY’S DOGGY DAY CARE AND SPA has evaluated the personalities of all dogs engaged in play, will supervise the playtimes, and will use reasonable care to ensure that no injuries result. However, in the event that an injury does occur to my dog(s) during group play, I agree to hold LUCY’S DOGGY DAY CARE AND SPA harmless from damages resulting from such injury. I agree to pay all veterinary charges required to properly treat my dog(s) for such injury.
  • I understand that due to the excessive running and playing outdoors, my dog’s paws/pads may be sensitive & tender as a result from worn pads. If your dog is an indoor dog, please communicate this so we can watch for sensitive pads.
  • All dogs are boarded, groomed or otherwise cared for by LUCY’S DOGGY DAY CARE AND SPA, without liability on its part for loss or damage by or from disease, death, running away, theft, fire or injury to persons, other dogs, or property by or to said dog(s), or other unavoidable causes, due diligence and care having been exercised.
  • I understand that all dogs at LUCY’S DOGGY DAY CARE AND SPA are vaccinated and healthy, but that there are viruses (e.g., colds, Bordetella, Conjunctivitis and Papilloma Virus) that cannot be fully vaccinated against and that in a social setting such as day care, my dog may be exposed to such.
  • If your dog requires medical attention while in the care of LUCY’S DOGGY DAY CARE AND SPA, you agree to be solely responsible for the payment of all medical bills for your dog and you release LUCY’S DOGGY DAY CARE AND SPA, its officers and employees from any and all responsibility for, or claims, damages, debts, resulting from such medical care, including but not limited to, transportation to/from the veterinarian clinic and choice of veterinarian or animal hospital.
  • Any dogs showing signs of extreme lethargy or signs of heat stress will be taken to the veterinarian immediately even if we are unable to contact you first.
  • Dogs that are heartworm positive or undergoing heartworm treatment are not permitted for any services. Once the treatment for heartworms is complete, veterinary recommendation is to wait 6 months before testing for heartworms to avoid a false positive. Once your pup is heartworm negative, they are permitted to use services at Lucy’s.
  • Due to our primary concern with each dog’s health and safety, dogs with and not limited to the following health conditions are not eligible for boarding or daycare at Lucy’s and are recommended to board with a veterinary hospital for specialized care: seizures, diabetes, incontinence, kennel cough/respiratory infection, pneumonia, papilloma, conjunctivitis, history of strokes, intestinal parasites, dogs who are immobile/wheelchair bound and dogs currently undergoing chemotherapy. (I understand that Lucy’s Doggy Daycare & Spa reserves the right to keep my dog(s) out of interactive daycare due to health reasons that may not be listed.)
  • I understand that boarding, interactive daycare, and grooming may cause stress to my dog(s). This could lead to stress induced diarrhea/vomiting, commonly known as “stress colitis”. I do not hold Lucy’s Doggy Daycare & Spa liable for this occurrence.
  • During interactive outdoor play, my dog may be exposed to insects such as ants, bee’s, or wasp’s. I give Lucy’s Doggy Daycare & Spa consent to take my dog to a veterinarian to treat my dog(s) at the owner’s expense if my dog(s) ingest or get stung by said insect.
  • Non-spayed females that are in heat or pregnant females are not permitted for any services. If your pup goes into heat during their boarding stay she will need to be picked up by an alternate party or transferred to a vet. Females who have had an ovarian sparing spay are not eligible for interactive daycare.
  • For recently spayed/neutered pups, we recommend 7-10 days after surgery to return for services. Pups who have stitches are not eligible for interactive daycare, or grooming.
  • Pups with open wounds, fresh hot spots, or stitches are not eligible for interactive daycare or grooming services.
  • LUCY’S DOGGY DAY CARE AND SPA does not permit into Interactive Play any dog whose breed is Pit Bull or Pit Bull mixes; other dogs not permitted include American Staffordshire Terrier, Staffordshire Bull Terrier, American Pit Bull Terrier, American Bull Dog, Shar Pei, Dogo Argentino, Presa Canario, Fila Brasileiro as well as dogs mixed with these breeds. Wolves or Wolf hybrids are not permitted for any services.
  • Puppies must be at least 16 weeks old and finished with their puppy boosters before they can come in for any services. We require 3 distemper/parvo boosters and the yearly vaccine, a current rabies vaccine and an annual Bordetella vaccine. Once they receive their last booster there is a 5 day waiting period that starts the day after the last booster is given before they can come join in the fun. We do not accept home vaccinations, sticker books, breeder given vaccines or hand written vaccinations and require all vaccines to be administered by a licensed veterinarian.
  • For adult dogs we require distemper/parvo and rabies (every year or three years depending on the vaccinations your veterinarian administers), and an annual Bordetella vaccine. If any of the vaccines are expired for the year, have never been given or were recently given there is a 5 day wait starting the day after the vaccines are administered before fur babies can come into our facility. We do not accept home vaccinations, sticker books, breeder given vaccines or hand written vaccinations and require all vaccines to be administered by a licensed veterinarian.
  • To qualify for interactive daycare eligible dogs are required to be spayed or neutered and temperament tested. (Pups younger than 8-months-old needn’t be spayed or neutered.) – Dogs not eligible for interactive daycare may still board and will have a minimum of four and up to six 5/10 minute leash free spacious back yard rotations.
  • We cannot guarantee that toys and orthopedic beds will be kept in the same condition as brought in. For safety reasons, tennis balls and rawhide are NOT permitted.
  • Lucy’s is a flea-free environment. If a dog has fleas or other external parasites, the dog will be bathed at the owner’s expense.
  • I certify that my dog(s) is/are current on all vaccinations and is/are to my knowledge in good health.
  • I authorize LUCYS DOGGY DAYCARE AND SPA to transport my dog(s) in a motor vehicle for purposes such as veterinary visits or for any other such reason if necessary. I understand and agree to the risks associated therewith.
  • I represent that I am the legal owner of said dog(s) and to my knowledge; said dog(s) has not been exposed to Distemper, Rabies, or Parvovirus within the last 30 days.
  • LUCYS’S DOGGY DAYCARE & SPA requires a credit card saved on file for all boarding reservations at the time the reservation is made. Payment for half of your pups boarding stay is required at the time of drop off if staying seven or more nights.
  • For the safety and concern of all dogs we will no longer be feeding raw diets or freeze-dried diets.
  • Please bring medications in a container (preferably in the original bottle). There is no charge for administering medication.
  • Pups that are left in our care over 30 days with no payment are subject to owner surrender.
  • For the safety of your dog(s), Lucy’s Doggy Daycare & Spa only allows dogs who live in the same household to board together.
  • All pups need to be able to be handled and cared for by our staff. In the event your pup is not able to be handled, or is showing signs of aggression, he/she will need to be picked up immediately.
  • During holidays and Spring Break we require notification of cancellation 48 hours prior to your reservation. One night’s stay will be charged if notification is not received within this time frame.
  • There is a $5 holiday surcharge per dog, per night, for the following dates: the day before Memorial Day, Memorial Day, July 3rd/4th, the day before Labor Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Eve, Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Year’s Eve and Day. The quantity stay discount is not valid during holidays or Spring Break. (We do not offer daycare services the day after a holiday for dogs that are not eligible for “interactive” daycare.)
  • There is a $5 per day charge when feeding your dog with “house” food (House food is Purina Veterinary Diet EN).
  • In the event your dog(s) need to be taken to the veterinarian (we typically use our local veterinarians – Traveling Tails (Thousand Oaks & 1604), and Alamo Dog and Cat (Downtown), there is a $20.00 fee associated per dog.
  • Our policy regarding Boarding charges is as follows: A boarding charge applies when a dog stays overnight at LUCY’S DOGGY DAY CARE AND SPA. Although a dog may not stay the second night, a day care fee will be added if the dog is not picked up within a 28hr period of the initial drop off. Please refer any questions concerning this policy to our front desk personnel. Late fees will apply if pet is picked up after closing hours: $1.00 per minute will be billed.
  • Concerning Grooming; in the event that my pet is matted, I understand there may be an additional de- matting charge. There also may be a wiggle-worm fee for dogs that require additional handling. For the safety and comfort of your dog, Lucy’s reserves the right to refuse service if your dog has extreme matting or is extremely hard to handle.
  • If your pet is excessively matted a Smoothie/Shave Down fee starting at $10 will be applied. Excessive matting may cause skin irritation, hematomas or discomfort due to limited blood flow as a result of the matting.
  • For the comfort of your pet, please be prepared to pick up within ONE HOUR of your notification call.
  • Dogs with the following conditions are not permitted for any grooming services: Females in heat/pregnant/lactating, dogs with seizures or a history of seizures, dogs undergoing heartworm treatment, and dogs with cancer/fatal illnesses.
  • In an effort to provide great service for all of our grooming clients, any no shows or appointments cancelled without at least 24 hours’ notice will be charged a $20.00 cancellation fee. If you are late for your appointment, your appointment is subject to be rescheduled.
  • If a pup is dropped off 30 minutes in advance of your scheduled appointment or pick up 1 hour after your pups ready notification call, a half day daycare fee of $15 will be applied and your baby will be placed on the daycare “potty” rotation.